AT LEAST NOT IN MY VOCABULARY. Anyways, I was feeling low on inspiration and was in now mood to write between my cold and my raging headache, so I searched Youtube for over an hour...and found a Smallville Oliver Queen character study video that gave me a little hope and a smile.
It showed the best and worst of Ollie, of his love for Tess, of his unfortunate love for Chloe, of his demons he fought for so long, the ghost of his parents and the wealth they left him, and how he eventually was brought back from the darkness, into the light, as he became Green Arrow once more. Video is above in the very beginning of the post, if you wish to view it.
My dog, Snickers, is a constant companion in my life. When I'm low and depressed, she shows me love and I REALIZE, no matter how bad things get, my dog will always love me and be there for me--so I rise each and every day for her. To love her back and take care of her. Because without Snickers, I wouldn't have such a great life, because she is my hope, my joy, and the best, constant thing in my life.
This is her picture. With me. Before she became mine. Oh, how I love her so. She's so cute, isn't she? She's a rainbow of never-ending sunshine.
Your very-sick blogger,
Snickers and me the day we became partners for life |